The OG Gnarcissist got a new dress - By Tim

She looked fresh, different, spicy.

When she was new.

Poor thing, didn't know the abuse she was about to get.
Reynolds 853 DZB is insanely resilient stuff, I had been told. It's not stainless, but it doesn't fall apart like when a Racoon gets hold of candy floss.

- What do you mean that's a stupid analogy. Just look at the video below. 
Have you ever felt so sorry for a fuzz ball ever before?
Ha. Told ya. Don't sound so silly now do I!?

Anyway, I digress. We wanted to see just how tough, so left it untreated. We dig the raw / Mad Max / rat look anyway, plus you can see the brazing too - and that's just lovely.

Roll on some abuse

Surrey Hills, Bull Track, Sussex Downs, Aston Hill, Millau. Races, dirt jumps, AM laps. Rain, mud, blood, stones, rocks, the lot. It took a BEATING in the 4 months we had it.

After it came back from it's EWS round in Millau with Alex, it was looking incredibly sad, it had oxidised (I don't like the word "rust", ok) all over and was no longer that charming silver / grey, but an odd orange / brown.

Poor bastard, but it did earn a badge of honour 

Time for a change

What better a reason to test out one of your new colour schemes and paint your bike when, let's not beat about the bush now; it looks like shit.

We gave it to Tony "Bear" Day to work his magic on based on one of the livery ideas I had mocked up for the new Gen 2 Gnarcissist.

Seafoam and black. How that name changed...

The old girl was media-blasted first of all, to get her back to her bare metal shine.
Should I just lacquer it now? It DOES look lovely again

But after being sent this photo, I knew I had made the right decision 
Our own custom-mixed take on seafoam

The thing with Bear, is he just can't leave shit alone

After chatting with us via the Sick Bikes Super Secret WhatsApp Group, he explained he was running off to Becca and Ali from the legendary Fat Creations as they kindly offered to cut and make the masks for the decals for us, Bear sent us this photo asking "just how spicy do you want the bike?"
Yeah, that's pink metal flake right there
Of course Jordan and I answered with something suitably business and sensible, along the lines of "Fuckin' spicy, not JalapeƱo, FUCKIN' NAGA".

Naga happened.

And the colour Unicorn Jizz was born.
Pure fire. No Unicorns were hurt in making this colour. Quite the opposite, they seemed to enjoy it

Anyway, enough rambling, BRING ON THE COMPLETE PHOTOS.

Even the Renthal Fatbar 35's got the Jizz treatment

Cheeky BOX mech hanging out back

UNICORN JIZZ and the mighty M30 BB / DMR Axe Cranks

Now, the problem is I am scared to hurt her. HeliTape is on order!

Just look at it shimmer

Well, I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted looking at those photos, it's a little too good looking. Come and have a look at it in the flesh at the next race we are entering. 

It is something else!


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